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The holidays are here! It’s time to start making handmade Christmas ornaments for the tree! Don’t you just love this time of year? I especially enjoy handmade Christmas stocking ornaments a whole lot.
Making tree decorations and Christmas ornaments is a great way to relax and enjoy the season. The temperatures outside are cooling, and it just puts me in the mood for DIY Christmas ornaments and hot chocolate.
If you follow my Pinterest boards, you’ll quickly realize that my style decor is a mix of primitive and farmhouse with a touch of Colonial added in it. So, I like to call it Primitive Farmhouse. Feel free to jump over and take a look. Follow along, too, if you like. I’d love it!
Anyway, today, I’m super excited to share one of my handmade Christmas stocking ornaments with you. And even more awesome, it comes with a FREE Pattern (found at the bottom), so you can make your own.
I’ve said it before: I love getting FREE things and love giving them away too. So let’s get started.
Handmade Christmas Stocking Ornament
- Fabric in:
- 1/8 yard of fabric (your choice)
I love to use homespun fabric. For different reasons, actually. It is 100% lightweight cotton and very easy to work with. It’s produced using colonial techniques such as handwarping, dying, weaving, and washing. The color is the same on both sides. The color or texture does not vary, so I don’t have to be overly cautious about sewing inside out. And, of course, homespun fabric is known as a primitive fabric, and slight irregularities are expected – that’s part of the charm.
- Quilting Thread to match fabric
- Black embroidery floss
- 1/2″ rusty bell
- Hand sewing needle
- Marking Tool
- Straight Pins
- Sewing Scissors (I have these and LOVE them!)

I can’t say enough good things about these scissors. They are the best! They cut fabric very easily and do so all the way to the very tip edge. This makes cutting corners square a breeze. TIP: Never cut anything other than fabric with your fabric scissors. This will keep them sharp and precise.
- Iron
- Sewing Machine (I have this one, it is great)
- Filler of choice to make it pretty inside ( I used twigs and berries from a Christmas bush)
1 Cut out the stocking pattern and secure it to the fabric using straight pins. Using a marking tool, mark and cut 2 stockings.

2 Place the wrong sides of the fabric together. Unless you are using homespun, use straight pens to secure to each other. Fold on the pattern fold line to create a cuff on the stocking top-pin the fold.

3 Use a sewing machine and stitch the two pieces together. Of course, if you don’t have a machine, this can always be hand-stitched, too. Turn the sewn stocking right side out.

4 With the iron, press seams nice and flat. This gives your ornament a nice finished look.
5 Take a short piece of embroidery thread, using a hand sewing needle, stitch into the top inside edge opposite of the “toe” of the stocking. This will allow for the handmade Christmas stocking ornament to hang nicely and straight.
6 Next hand, sew a 1/2″ rusty bell onto the stocking near the toe.

7 Your stocking is ready to fill with goodies of your choice and hang on the Christmas tree!

These handmade Christmas stocking ornaments make a great gift for friends and family. Or, if you prefer, keep them and hang them on your family Christmas tree.
It’s quick and easy to make. Done in about 20 minutes in total.
If you like creating primitive crafts, you will enjoy this fun little natural twig wreath. Since fall is still here and Thanksgiving has not yet come, feel free to take a look at this pumpkin tutorial as well.
Does this inspire you to get started making your own Christmas ornaments? Then I’m sure you will love these 39 Homemade Christmas Gift Ideas in 15 Minutes or Less. It includes lots of handmade ornaments!
Since you are a crafter, what are you creating this Christmas Season?
Tag me on Instagram (@hiddenpringshomestead)and share your pictures with me. I’d love to see what you are creating for the holiday season.

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Dianne Hadorn is the owner of Hidden Springs Homestead nestled in the hills of East Tennessee. She is a Master Gardener and enjoys helping others learn how to grow and preserve their own food and sharing tips for living a more sustainable life.